9 Winter Break Tasks for College Bound Students

9 Winter Break Tasks for College Bound Students | JLV College Counseling Blog

Winter break is a wonderful time of year. Many of us get the opportunity to spend time with family and friends around the holidays. It is also a great time to catch up on the things you may have been too busy to complete while in school. For the college bound students, there are many things you can consider doing during your winter break. Here are nine tasks to consider doing during winter break:

  1. Rest. The school year can take a lot out of you. Classes, studying, extracurriculars, part-time jobs, etc. There is a lot going on when you’re in school, and unfortunately, many students do not get enough rest. Take some time during your time off from school to relax and get the must needed rest you need.
  2. Scholarships. No matter what grade you are in, there are scholarships out there for you. It’s never too early or late to start searching for and applying for scholarships. You may also want to start organizing your scholarship search by prioritizing scholarships by due dates. In addition, look through essays you have already written for past scholarships or schoolwork and see if there are any you can recycle for because there is no rule saying you cannot reuse an essay. Just make sure to edit the essays to work for each particular scholarship.
  3. Read. There are so many benefits to reading, including mental stimulation, stress reduction, gaining knowledge, and improving memory. The school year does not always allow for reading outside of required textbooks, but winter break might give you a chance for a little extra reading.
  4. Volunteer. Spending your time helping others makes you feel good and can help with college applications. Find something you are passionate about and see if you can lend an extra hand during your time off from school. Many charities would be happy for any help you can provide.
  5. Research colleges. No matter if you are a freshman in high school or a high school senior who has already sent in your applications, you can always learn more about the colleges you are considering. Getting as much information as you can about a college can help you to make the best decision for you when the time to choose a college comes.
  6. Clean up social media. Social media has started coming into play in college admissions, scholarships, and jobs. Make sure you are presenting yourself in a positive light on social media. Things such as bad language, unprofessional behavior, and constant negativity could hurt your chances. Some colleges, scholarships, and employers will look you up and some will not. To be safe, make sure there is nothing you wouldn’t be proud of online.
  7. Catch-up. If you have fallen behind in school work or things on your “to do” list, work to get back on track. It’s never fun to be behind because it typically causes stress that you do not need.
  8. Finish college applications and essays. If there are still applications that need to be submitted, make sure to complete your applications and submit them before the deadline.
  9. Submit the FAFSA. Paying for college is probably the most important factor for many students. Therefore, make sure you get your FAFSA is submitted and any other financial aid requirements the colleges need so you will be considered for financial aid.

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